Aug 9, 2014

Our Curriculum 2014-2015

 I have not had much of a voice on the blog since I began homeschooling last year.  Having the kids at home 24/7 has taken up all of the time I used to spend on blogging.  However, I love this "little" blogging community and don't want to throw in the towel just yet.  We are about to start our second year and I feel much more confident than I did this time last year.

 Last year, I felt a bit like I was jumping off a cliff and unsure if there would be rocks at the bottom or deep, cool water.  It was difficult at times, but by year’s end I knew home centered education was the best choice for our family at this time.  
Planning the year has been so enjoyable for me and I can’t wait to get the year started.  Grant will be in 5th grade, Walker in 3rd and Brooklyn, Pre-k.  We will be a part of Classical Conversations again and I will be tutoring a foundations class. I love Charlotte Mason 's style of education, but also have had much success with my children learning in the Classical method, (memorization of important facts and people starting at a young age) through the Classical Conversations classes.  So, I say, I approach teaching with Charlotte Mason principles (short lessons, living books, narration, gentle learning) with a dash of Classical Conversations and Unit Studies.  The kids will also be involved with team sports, swim lessons and weekly P.E. classes.  As well as, weekly art classes and Cub Scouts.  Time is also set aside for out-loud reading  and nature studies and lots of free time to pursue various areas of interests. 


Spelling- Phonetic Zoo
Language Arts/Writing- Essentials (Classical Conversations)
Reading Comprehension- New Practice Readers- E

Vocabulary- Wordy Wise Book 4
Reading Comprehension- New Practice Readers-D
Handwriting- Cheerful Cursive


Bible- Awanas

Big Book Of Homeschooling Ideas
The Spark - A must read for all parent's, even if you don't have a special needs child.  Inspiring ideas and encouragement to unlock the great potential in all our kids. 

With, the first day on the horizon, I am busy lesson planning and prepping for the Foundations class I will tutor, as well as enjoying every last bit of thewarm summer sun I can!  School starts up soon and we are all very excited!  I keep up my Instagram account, so follow me  @stillroomtogrow.  I will be attending the Wild and Free conference in September and would love to know if you are attending too! 

1 comment:

  1. Why aren't you popping up in my reader anymore?? I better subscribe again! What the heck?? Anyway, I LOVE to see your picks. I love that you love homeschooling. You are FLOURISHING, you know that!? I have told you this a hundred times, but again, I am SO happy for yoU! And thank you for the shout out on the means the world to me!! :)


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