Jul 24, 2012

Typical Saturday

Saturday is my favorite day.  We usually have no set plans and I don't feel guilty for letting the kids watch cartoons all morning, because its "cartoon day."  Most summer Saturday's follow along these lines, leisurely morning, farmers market, house project, grill out, bedtime.  Here is what I did hour for hour Saturday. 

*i will be referring to my children as number 1, 2 and 3.  I am a bit leery of using their real names  for any creepy creepers.

7:00am- tip toe like a mouse to the coffee pot, where I  am disappointed I did not fill it and preset it the night before (I get very lazy at night and the smallest task seems daunting.) Then, I sit in bliss while drinking hot coffee and read blogs.  When I find a new blog I love, I can lost in it for hours, I also want to start at the beginning and read it like a book.  My husband does not get this.  Am I alone here?

7:15am- Hear "mommy" being yelled by 3.....tip toe upstairs to get her and tell her not to talk, so she doesn't wake anyone else up.  Get her a sippy of milk and turn on Disney Jr.  I go back to blog reading bliss.

7:30am- 1 gets up-(he slept late, he is usually up at six) he joins sis on couch.

7:45am-Hubby and 2 come down....everyone is up, computer time over.

8:00am-  Hubby and I talk about what we want to do for the day, I have set a loose plan in my head, hubby does not.  I tell hubby we need to rent a power washer to get old paint off the deck so we can restain it next weekend.  I have already done all the research about the best way to do it and where to rent the machine.  He agrees to have that be our project for the day.

9:00am- weekends I am not real good about fixing breakfast for my kids today they wanted graham crackers, I let them,  thinking they are probably not any worse then eating sugar cereal.  

9:30am-now I get everyone moving, I don't know about you, but if I did not suggest for everyone to get dressed I think they would sit in front of the TV in there jammies ALL day long.

10:00am- I take 1 and 3 to the Farmers Market, hubby takes 2 to Wallyworld to pick out a b-day present for a friend and pick up some necessities, then to get power washer.

12:00pm-everyone home and I lay out all my farmers market goodies and start salivating for a delicious, fresh from the farm meal.  Hubby and kids are outside getting the power washer fixed up.

12:30pm- I create this delish meal....free-range eggs, green chile polenta and sauteed Swiss chard.  Hubby and kids are not interested in eating yet, so I sit in peace and quiet eating and reading Real Simple. (kids did end up coming in and wanting a bit of my meal....1 and 3 approved 2 gagged.)

1:00pm- I made a "snacky" lunch for the kids, pretzels and peanut butter, purple carrots from the market, sliced peaches and lemonade.  Ice cream for dessert.  They ate it on the front porch since back porch was being power washed. Maggie, the dog, watched from the door, hoping they would make lots of crumbs. 

1:30pm-I power washed for a bit, then put 3 down for a nap, made a salad  and a cherry pie for dinner, cleaned the kitchen ( I am a very messy cook, I DO NOT clean as I go, I know I should, its hard to teach an old dog new tricks. )

4:30pm-1 and 2 are outside playing, hubby is STILL power washing...the deck is done, now he is doing the house, gutters and cars.  I steal a few moments on the computer.

5:30pm-3 gets up, I start prepping for dinner.  On the menu; grilled pork chops, garlic roasted potatoes, cabbage salad, sauteed beet greens and cherry crumb pie.  Kids are out riding bikes. 2 keeps sneaking in to get snacks...he is STARVING.  1 keeps telling me he needs to taste the pie.  3 keeps coming in crying because ants and flies are outside.

6:00pm- 2 comes in crying because 1 hit him with a baseball bat (it was foam, no mark was left, 1 insisted 2 had a bee on his back) 2 gets a hug, 1 gets dessert taken away.  I pour a glass of wine.

6:30pm- we sit outside for dinner, it is yummy, the pie is yummier.

7:00pm- 3 pushes her babydoll in a swing, 1 and 2 play baseball and soccer with hubby.  I cleanup.

8:00pm- kids get showers, then watch a short flick.

8:30pm-3 goes to bed.  I decide I need a facial, so I whip up a recipe via Pinterest (if you have never tried the Pore Cleansing Mask try it, it makes your face baby soft.  I put it on my whole face, careful of the eyebrows and hairline.  It hurts to remove, but in a good way.  Hubby and the kids want to try it too.  Yes, we know how to have a good time!

9:00pm- with my fresh face I tell 2 and 3 to go to bed.  Hubs and I sit to watch some TV.

9:10pm- I hear giggling from our door and tell boys to stop playing "secret spies" and go to bed.

9:20pm-giggling again, I nicely tell the boys what a fun day we have had, but now it is "mommy and daddytime," and they need to go to bed.  They are not fazed at all by my plead. 

9:25pm- getting highly irritated, boys are wilder then ever, hubby gets involved and they finally listen.

9:30pm- finally peace and quiet in the house, hubby and I have a healthy discussion about a summer camp I would like to send our kids too. I went growing up for many years and I feel it had a wonderful influence in my upbringing.  He thinks it's overpriced and to far away.  We agree to disagree.

10:30pm-We end up flipping between sports center and HGTV.   I drift off to la-la land.

Do you love Saturday's as much as I do?


  1. You should try Northland Camp for your kiddos. I believe you have to be going into 3rd grade to start, but it's only 1.5 hours away and we went as kids and still go as a family, and your hubby will love the price. :)


    And, I'm so going to try the facial recipe!

  2. Thanks Hollie, good to know! The face mask is great, a little stinky, but I add some essential oil drops to give a bit fresher smell. Thanks for reading!

  3. Your dinner sounds amazing. Yummy. I read new blogs like that too... like a book. I totally get you.


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