Sep 2, 2012

Kids Daily Schedules

School starts up Tuesday (I think we are the last people in the USA to start school!!)  To make things go more smoothly I made the kid's chore charts for morning, afternoon and evening.  My boys like a schedule to cross off daily so they know exactly what they need to do. 

School doesn't start until 8:45 here and my kids are very early risers.  So, this checklist is great, because once they finish all the tasks on it, if there is still time left, they can choose to watch TV or play the Ipad before school starts. I have a lamintor that I use to make them reuseable and then I attach each one to a clip board and put it by their bed at night.  When they wake up they exactly what to do.   

When they get home from school, I hang the afternoon schedule up in the kitchen, then there is no confusion on what the expectations are.  In the evening, if we have church or sports, I just make sure they have everything done on the afternoon sheet, before that event. 

In the evening, we are going to try a schedule and see if that helps make bedtime go smoother.  It always gets a bit rowdy around here around 8 and I think if the boys have a schedule they will be calmer.  (Keep your fingers crossed!) 

I have copies for you that can be downloaded through my Facebook Page.  You have to like my page to have access to them.  Once you like my page, look under Free Stuff.  After you download them you can customize them on Microsoft Excel. Stay tuned for my daily schedule, I am working on that next.  Do your kids do better with a schedule? 

1 comment:

  1. I cant wait to download these! Great all this organization to help make things go smoooooth!


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