Sep 25, 2012

Menu Planning

I am one of those people who menu plan. I make a list of what we are going to eat at every meal, including snacks. Once I write it down, it is not set in stone, but I can't tell you the weight that is lifted after I finish the menu and get the grocery shopping done for the week.

In the past, I  usually spend the evening before my planned grocery shopping day and flip through cookbooks and websites finding our meals. I used to find this enjoyable, but now, after years and years of this approach I am BURNED out! I have recently found many menu planning websites that have really taken the burden off me! The time I have saved has been wonderful. I am currently using a paid subscription service called 5 Dinners in 1 hour.
For 5 dollars a months, you can choose between Gluten Free, Clean Eating or their Classic menu.  At the beginning of the month, you get a very organized, menu, prep directions and shopping list.  These meals, are also designed to all be prepared in advance in 1 hour...yes, 5 meals prepared in 1 hour!.  I do not always do this, I usually just prepare the day of.  So far, these have all been easy to prepare, taking only 10-15 mins to prepare.  You can see a free sample menu here.

I have found a number of free menu planning sites too.  Here are a few I have used. 
Eat At Home
100 Days Of Real Food
Everything Mom

I usually read through the meal plan and pick what I know my family will eat.  This method, will usually leave one meal during the week I need to plan for, which I fill with an quick easy standby, like tacos or a pasta dish.

 I use this method during the week.  Then, on the weekend I usually prepare 1-2 more complicated meals, since I have more time and I can actually enjoy the meal.  This means I really only have to plan and think out 1-2 recipes.  I have a post planned for what I do about breakfast, lunch and snacks.  I will share soon.

I created a menu planning sheet you can download from my  facebook page.

Do you menu plan? 


  1. I definitely plan so I can try to re-purpose items that you can only buy in large sizes and to avoid having to go to the store more than 1x per week. I can't believe you plan snacks though too - that's impressive!

  2. i am usually so good at menu planning and this summer everything kinda went out the window. i'll get back into the groove someday ;) i love eat at home blog...i've used that a lot.

  3. I so wish I was this organized! My menu-planning skills are nonexistent. This is amazing!


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