Oct 13, 2012

Day 13- Have Other Interests

We all need a chance to get away from the grind of being a parent.  It's an exhausting job and without a break, it can leave you feeling resentful, worn out and cranky.  When my boys were toddlers, I rarely did anything without them.  My husband worked long hours and we did not have family around for me to ever get much of a break.   Just the last few months, since I have started this blog really, I have loved having something, other then my family, to peek my interest.  Being able to have a creative outlet, has been a wonderful way to get out of the stay-at-home mommy rut, I was in. 

I encourage you to take time and focus on something you enjoy: running, blogging, a part-time job at a retail store, cooking classes, scrap booking, volunteering or yoga.  It has made a world of difference in my attitude as a stay at home mom.  I feel much more satisfied, happier and well rounded, then when it was just family, family, family!

What do you do, that is not family related, for your well being?

This is part of a 31 day series, you can read more here.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't agree more!! Blogging is definitely one thing I do for me, though finding time just for that can be rough at times. I did get to paint my nails the other night, I think the sacrificed sleep was worth it though!

    Also, I've nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award, check it out at: http://laughwithash.blogspot.jp/2012/10/liebster-blog-award.html

    Can't wait to read the response =)


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