Oct 23, 2012

Day 22- Money and Budget

Nothing wrecks the family bliss more then the finances.  Unfortunately, money doesn't grow on trees, yet the expenditures keep coming.  Cell phone bills for tweens and teens, college tuition increasing every year, kids and adults always wanting the 'new' updated version of whatever Apple is selling.  It's really hard to get ahead and continue to be satisfied with what you already have.

A few years ago, we got the new IPad, mostly for some excellent apps it offered my son with speech concerns.  Not,  3 weeks later did Apple come out with the new version!  Of course after seeing the new one,  I immediately became dissatisfied, with the one I had thought, just two weeks before, was the coolest invention since dishwashers! Now, 4 years later, we still have our generation 1 IPad and it still works great and I have since let go of always wanting the latest and greatest.   

There are lots of experts out there with sound advice on money matters.  Suze Orman and Dave Ramsey are my favorites.  Both their websites provide lots of tips to get started on a budget and financial freedom.  They offer workbooks, seminars, books and online budgeting tools that can keep your finances in check. Seeking the advice of a financial planner may be beneficial to your family too.

An easy and eyeopening task is to write down all expenses for a month.  Seeing it all written out, was a real eye opener for me.  I was amazed I was spending nearly $1400 a month on groceries and I cook 90% of our meals.  I do mainly buy organic, but still this amount seemed crazy to me!  Since I became aware of this, I just started tallying up what I am going to buy on a calculator at the store.  It has really made me think twice before I do any impulse purchasing.   Without clipping coupons, I have shaved my monthly bill down to about $850.

Setting a budget and savings plan for your family, is not difficult, but it does require, teamwork, dedication and discipline.   Getting your finances in order and living the life you can afford vs the life you wish you could, can offer a tremendous amount of Family Bliss!!

This is part of a 31 day series, to read more click here.

1 comment:

  1. Love Dave and Suze. Now just think what you would cut your bill too when you start using coupons :)


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