Oct 15, 2012

Day 15: Pray

Let's face it ladies, being a mom is hard stuff.  Anything that happens to your child feels 10 times worse for you.  The pangs my heart feels when something happens to my children, whether it be, they fall and get hurt or they don't get invited to the birthday party, are downright horrible.  This is something I did not anticipate as a mom and the bad thing is I don't think it EVER goes away! 

I am a worrier by nature, but I took that trait to a whole new level when I had children.  Whether to vaccinate or not,  feeding them organic vs non-organic, what kind of world they are growing up in, if you really sit and think about it all, you can get yourself really worked up.  One thing I realized, about 3 years ago, is make my decsions based on the knowlege I have, then pray for peace with whatever it is I am going through. 

I have been in situations where I have made my self sick with worry and concern over my children and when I finally surrender it to God, I feel an amazing peace over me. 

Listen, I am going to make mistakes as a parent, my kids are gonna get sick, get hurt, have their hearts broken, get picked on and who knows what else.  But I am constantly praying for them and that comforts me to know God has a plan for us all, EVEN in the hard times. 

I look back on my life and love seeing the growth I have made during difficult times.  I try and remember that when I am going through a trial, that one day, I will see the good in this situation. 

I love the books   Power of a Praying Parent  and Power of a Praying Wife by Stormie Omartian.  I have found both these books useful in so many situations as a mother and wife. 

So, pray for your family ALL THE TIME just like it says in Romans 12:12  Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. 

This is part of a 31 day series, catch up  here.

1 comment:

  1. i love the Power of a Praying Wife. I didn't know there was the Power of a Praying Parent!! How awesome.


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