Oct 5, 2012

Day 5- Date Night

We all know its important to keep the sparks lit with your spouse.  I know all too well, how hard it is to get away, especially when you have got babies at home, but your kids will thank you, when you have a happy marriage.

If you can't afford a sitter, or schedules don't permit an evening out.  Something we have done in the past is, put the kids to bed an hour eariler (this works well in the winter) then ordering take out and watching a movie.  Play a game, watch your wedding video, or cook together.  I would steer clear having your date night convo include heavy topics like finances, just have a good time.

Maybe you could also trade with a friend watching each others kids.  To often we make it more then it has to be, but even getting out for a quick ice cream or cup of coffee is better for your relationship, then always having kids around. One time I remember putting the kids in the car, letting them watch a movie and taking a drive and talking. 

Just like we make time for our kids, we MUST make time for our man too.   20 years down the road, when all the kids are gone, you will be happy you took the time to nurture that relationship.

This is part of a series 31 Days of creating Family Bliss

1 comment:

  1. We really struggle with this one! My husband works odd hours, making it even harder to schedule dates. But we appreciate them all the more when we do get to have a grown-up night out!


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