Oct 10, 2012

Day 10- The Early Bird Gets the Worm

I know its hard to pull yourself out of bed before the kiddos, especially if they are early risers, but this one is a must in my book!  The days I get up and have a cup of coffee, do a devotion, have a little "me" time before everyone gets up, always put me in a good mood!  I feel like I have had some quiet time and don't get so agitated by the constant demands a family can have. 

If you are not a morning person, this may seem impossible, but I can honestly say, once I figured this one out, I became a MUCH  happier mama!  Nothing gets me in a crabby mood more quickly, then waking up to a toddler demanding a "ba-ba" at 6:30, or 2 rowdy brothers already whooping it up and making a mess before daybreak.  All, I can think of is "it's ALREADY starting and I haven't even had coffee yet!"  However, if I have been up for 30 mins, had time to ENJOY that cup of joe, collect my thoughts about the day ahead, I don't seem so bothered.

Since, starting this series, I must say, I have really been focusing on all these ideas more then usual, but attitude mainly.  Last night in bed, my husband commented that he has never seen our family seem more calm and happy! His attitude has been happier, the kids seem to mind better and it just seems more blissful around here!   He knows I am doing this series, but is not a daily reader of my blog, (at least I don't think he is).  Ladies, we can make a difference in our family!  Our attitude can change the dynamic of our family!!

 How about you, have you been trying any of these suggestion for creating family bliss, are they working?

If your new to the series, catch up here,


  1. This. Is. My. Everest.
    A giant mountain I can't seem to conquer!
    I know I should get up earlier, but I just can't seem to bring myself to do it. And we all end up rushed and grumpy. But I keep resosolving that tomorrow will be the day... Thanks for the motivation!

  2. this one is SO true!! being pregnant i feel like my sleep is all messed up, but on the days when i do get up and have a little time before we need to start the school day and such, i feel so much better! yes!! this is a great post! :)

  3. So I realize this series is a bit old but I have enjoyed reading each day. My husband and I have a 3 year old little girl...wild little girl if I must say. Sometimes I think I have it all under control and then the next day rolls around and it's a messed up out of order kind of day. I am hoping that by reading this series it can help me understand how to be a better Mom and Wife. Juggling it all is most of the time impossible. I really would like to get my daughter on a schedule so that my mood is better and hers to for that matter, I would love to pay more attention to my husband and our relationship. Because of our daugthers' not so there schedule, it's hard to have any energy after agruing, struggling to do this or that eat this and not that..... etc. Oh and how can I forget... we are selling our house so trying to keep the house in "staging" order.... well it makes for a very unhappy time. I truly want to follow by this series and would love to know way more on how you do it.

    Thanks so much for sharing!



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