Oct 17, 2012

Day 17- Make Sure To Spend Quality Time With Each Child

With the busy lives most of us have,  this is a hard one to make happen on a regular basis.  But, when the situation develops that one of us can spend some quality time with each of the kids, they absolutely love it.  It doesn't have to be something big.  My oldest son loves to go to the store with just me, or run errands with Dad on a Saturday.  We have even started having my husband meet me at church on Wednesday and him taking my little girl home for "daddy daughter time," while I wait for the boys to finish up Awana's.

When I was growing up, I remember my Dad taking each one of me and my sisters out for dinner every few weeks.  It was special time I remember looking forward to as a kid.   Anytime, you feel like you are the only one your parents are paying attention to, is important to a child.

 In our rush, rush society we live in, where people are constantly getting emails and text messages,  we very rarely take time to talk to each other.  I'm great at reminding everyone what needs to be done and half listening when I make dinner and my kids are telling me stories, but to just sit and focus on them, happens less then I would like to admit.  I have found, even just reading a book alone with each of my kids is something they love.  No one interrupts their comments or shushes them.  We read at the pace they prefer and all the focus is on them and they really love it. 

Remember kids, don't need lots of bells and whistles, when it comes with special time with mom and dad.  Go for a walk or bike ride, make cookies together, play a game or get an ice cream cone.  Make sure you make it a priority to spend one on one time with each of your children, they will enjoy it more then you know. 

This is part of a 31 day series, to read more click here.

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