Oct 2, 2012

Day 2-Limit the Activities and Screen Time...Kids NEED freetime

On to day 2 of 31 Days of Creating Family Bliss.  Nothing gets a family more grumpy, then one that is on the go all the time.  Everyone is rushed, no one feels like they get any down time and important functions like family dinners get pushed to the back burner.  When you have more then one kid, it get's even more hectic.  My preference is to have only 2 nights during the school week when we have to be out and about for extracurricular activities. 

Kids are pushed to the limit these days and I think we often forget how important, play and free time are to their development.   I remember playing school and house with my sisters and friends for hours.  I remember spending lots of time outdoors, making forts and collecting worms.    My parents certainly didn't play with me, I don't even remember asking them too.  Now, if my kids are not at an activity, or in front of the TV or Ipad, they are bored.  While sometimes, I have to get them started in the "pretend play"  they end up having a great time.  

 I often feel pressured by society to have my kids be in 10 different after school activities, or give them supplemental homework, after they have spent 8 hours in school, just to keep them ahead.   I feel like I am doing them a favor by letting them play outside after school and be kids,  instead of shuffling them around to different activities all evening.  Here is a link to a very informative article about the importance of free play for children.  All Work and No Play, Why Your Kids Are Anxious and Depressed.

I also have to compete everyday with the screen, be it the computer, Ipad, or TV, my kids LOVE screen time.  I found that by setting a timer during the school week, they watch about 30 minutes after school, while they eat a snack, then they are fine with turning it off to do something else.  I recently found this book, Last Child in the Woods:Saving Our Children From Nature Defict Disorder By:Richard Louv , which I have not read  (I'm on a waiting list at the library)but am very intrigued by.  It dicusses the link between kids not getting enough playtime in nature and the rise of depression, anxiety and ADHD in children. Since, I have not read this yet, you may be interested in reading  this review.   

What an interesting correlation, do you think there is a connection?  Do you limit your kids screen time and extracurricular activities?


  1. YES! We use the awesome Accountable Kids program that teaches them to be responsible for their own chores. If their chores aren't done, then they can't get a ticket. The ticket gives them their TV or computer time, which is limited to 30 minutes. Many days we go without any computer or tv time, too. I don't know if you've seen the Accountable Kids idea, but it is GREAT!

    1. Abi, yes you told me about Accountable kids several years ago, glad you are still doing it.

  2. We drastically limit our children's screen time and always have. It helps that we don't have a TV on the main floor, only in the basement family room. Our kids VERY rarely watch TV during the week. We also limit time on the Wii to the Wii-kend only ;) That being said, my kids are a bit older and limiting their activities is really hard. Sports and other activities really creep in on family time, so we try our best to use that time AS family-relaxing time the best we can. Packing picnics for soccer games, hanging out by the pool during hockey tournaments, and reading aloud to each other on those long drives to away-games all help us bond and gives the kids a chance to chill. But we all definitely enjoy the rare evenings we get at home! ;)

  3. Jessie, what a wonderful idea to incorporate family time during the sports activities! Thanks for the great idea. You are right my kids are younger, so this may be harder to achieve when they get older.

  4. I love taking my son to the playground.. he is only two but he already pretends to sell me ice cream and pizza through a makeshift window. He even pretends to take my money!!

  5. This is so true...my kids are totally different animals when we're busy.


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