Apr 5, 2013

Friday Randomness and A New Hair Cut

I don't really have anything cool to blog about, so  this will just be a totally random post!

I love tricking my kiddos on April Fool's day.  I always pull a prank with food, this year it was their after school snack. I totally fooled them.  They thought the joke was breakfast for snack.  From a distance, Grant even asked if I had a chef come in to make the egg's, since they looked perfect.  They also look huge like an ostrich egg or something, but the kids did not seem to notice.  
This week, beside this event, is my least favorite week of the year.  I try and schedule all routine doctor visits in the same 1-2 week time span, that way, all my fears and anxiety about having cancer found in my body, will be condensed to a 2 week time period, verses spread out several times during the year.  I told you I was a hypochondriac!

I randomly got 4 inches cut off my hair today.  It has been a tangley, split-end mess and I have a horrible time finding the time to get my hair cut.  It pains me to pay high dollar for a haircut.  I have already stopped highlighting my hair, because it made me sick to go in and pay $120 for a haircut and color.  I bring home $0 dollars and If I am going to spend $120 dollars on myself, I can think of 20 other things I would rather buy.  Besides, I don't care how much I spend on a haircut, I am never happier with the cut, because it cost more.   I think my hair looks fine, no matter if I spend $20 or $120, I honestly can't tell.  So, today Brooke and I were in Walmart, yes Walmart and I saw a cute girl in the salon there (does anyone else stereotype hair stylists and think if a girl looks cute and trendy, she must be able to cut hair well??)  So I sat down and told her to chop it.  Mid-way through I started to panic about what I had done.  I wanted to run out of the salon and grab Brooke and head for the nearest Aveda salon....but then I remembered I needed a few things at Walmart and despite the interesting peeps I have seen at Walmart, I have never seen a toddler and a mom with half a haircut walking around.  So I stayed and prayed it would turn out ok.  I never like how stylists fix my hair, so I hurried through the store hoping I would not run into anyone I knew before I could survey my hair.  As soon as I got home, I ran upstairs and "fixed" my hair and was very happy with the results.  It looks so healthy and fresh and at $15, I feel I could freely spend $100 at TJ Maxx without the guilt! 

 Then, I unloaded the groceries ( a job I absolutely loath by the way) and made this cake.   It is AMAZING!   I decided I needed to blog so I could procrastinate about he large pile of my hubby's shirts that need ironing (another item I hate paying for...$5 bucks a shirt, come on!  What happened to the $1.99 cleaners I used to take my black "going out" pants to in college?).  I am seriously sounding like a cheapskate at this point, I do realize this!  I will easily pay 3-4 times as much for something organic, but not for my hair or to have a shirt ironed.  I warned you, this was random. 

 I desperately need to paint my front door.  I painted it black last year and added a glass storm door, apparently that was not a good mix and the metal door would heat up like an oven and caused the paint to peel off.  The guys at Sherwin Williams, said it was just because I painted the door black and it retains so much heat.  The door looks awful now, so what color do you think I should paint it??  I would love your ideas? 

I also want to spend some time checking out the blogs of some of my Instagram peeps.  I follow several people with blogs, that I found via other IGer's and I have never taken the time to see what they are all about.  So that should be fun.  Do you do Instagram follow me @k8stillroomtogrow and I will follow you back. 

 Well, have a wonderful weekend!  We had our first 50 degree day this week and it was LOVELY!!  The snow is still on the ground, but not for long.  Happy weekend!


  1. I love, love, your haircut! It looks chic and sassy! And I'm glad you liked the cake. It's one of our favorites. :) as for your door, what about a fun aqua color or yellow? It seems like your house colors will go with anything so you could definitely have fun with color.

  2. Here are links to the doors I thought of right away:

    I wish I could do a fun color, but our exterior colors are pretty limiting.

  3. My door is high gloss black with a storm door and no issue...we face west?? Maybe you need to prime or whatever first? I no zero about painting btw.

  4. I am so quilty of waiting for the cute trendy person when it came to cutting my hair, however now that I became the thrifty one.. I cut my own. Ha! Ha! I am not sure it's "stylist" approved but it will do for me! I love love love your hair... of course I follow you on instagram and saw it there first. ;-) One day when I get brave again, I want my hair to be exactly like yours!

    As for the front door.... First let me say your home is gorge! I think your front door would be amazing, classy and go well with your color scheme you already have going on in RED!

    Have a fab weekend!


  5. That April Fools snack is too cute!!!
    I love your hair cute. It looks great. I always go to the cheaper places too. I usually just go to JCPenney in the mall. I always get the same exact hair cut and I figure pretty much anyone can do it. I love the money I save.
    Your house exterior looks gorgeous. I bet it will look nice whatever color you paint it. I have a white house with black shutters and a red door.

  6. I love your new hair!! It looks awesome and well worth the $15 ;) I am like you, I cannot justify huge prices for things when I can use that money for other things for the kids or the house. I actually have taken scissors to my own hair a couple of times, when you layer you don't even notice if you stuff up lol
    I think a blue door, some shade of blue would look pretty :)
    I loved this random post, I chuckled at your hypochondria and your two week condensed doctors visits to prove you don't actually have cancer!! I love your sense of humour, we are so much alike in a lot of ways!
    Enjoy your weekend friend! xo

  7. Your hair looks fantastic! Definitely fresh and perfect for spring. I wait months and months between haircuts, but in my defense I'm growing it out. When I had a structured bob, I'd get my hair cut every 6 weeks.


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