Oct 20, 2012

Day 19 - Time Off

We all need some time off.  I already discussed date night.  But this time I am talking about moms and dads having their own time off.  A girl's night out for mom or a day of shopping.  A golf or fishing day for Dad.    Parenting is HARD work and its a 24/7 job.  Without a break, we will go crazy!

There are some problems that arise with individual time off.  Like, if a spouse is working, you kind of  think they already have time off, because they aren't listening to Barney all day and dealing with the tantrums of a 2 year old.   When my boys were toddlers, my husband worked ALL THE TIME.  The thought of giving him a day or night off, sent me in a tizzie!  So, I get that, now my kids are older and easier and if he wants to go fishing, I don't mind.  So, you have to work out the time away, as a couple and what works best for you, in your current season of life.    But we all need a break, a time to appreciate the family we have and recharge our batteries.  Even the working spouse needs a break from work and family.

The times either of us get away, we come back happier, rested and relaxed, with in turns creates family bliss!

This is a 31 day series, to catch up, click here.


  1. My last couple of posts have been about this very topic. :) I just got to have a few hours with my hubby last night for the first time in over 10 months. Trust me, it made a HUGE difference.

  2. This is so true! We should all make time to spend with our spouses even if it's just a trip to the grocery store without the kids. My husband and I are so busy with our daily lives, we try to at least get out once a month just to re-connect. Heather


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